Thursday 31 January 2013

Animation Turtorial

You may see many types of animation, on the t.v, you tube and dvds, and most likely you want to know how, now you might just look it up on how to do it on you tube but you can look here if you want.

All you need is any type of camera, a tripod to keep it still, a plain blue/white background and something to animate. For example, some lego, or most popular; plasticine. But be creative, use what ever you want. To animate (or stop frame animate) take a picture of your subject;say a Lego figure and move it, take a picture, move it and take a picture. Soon you will have lots of photos, upload them onto your computer and you can either use an animation software or a preinstalled program, movie maker, select all the photos and make the speed of their duration to about 0.20 of a second. Play it and there you go your own animation, if you work very hard you could make a movie which could be over a thousand photos. You might need a memory card to store them in!!

Thanks for reading and look out for new posts on animation!